Pixel Invasion
Before You Play:
Pixel Invasion is a casual puzzle Game made in 2D Isometric view. This game is part of my college project.
How to Play:
Navigate through the terrain and step on pixelated tiles to convert them into vibrant vector tiles, restoring the glory of vector art. Your goal is to heal all the pixelated tiles on the map while solving puzzles that test your strategic thinking. In some levels, you'll encounter glitched tiles that can only be healed by finding and activating a hidden button. Once all the tiles are restored, face the monster and catch it to save the world. Success depends on your puzzle-solving skills and careful planning!
- Movement: Press Arrow Keys or W,A,S,D to move your character in Isometric axis.
- Monster: Interact with the monster to catch it.
Game Description:
In a fantasy world of vector art, a mysterious error in the rift unleashes an invasion of pixel art, corrupting the once-perfect vector landscape. The protagonist, a skilled farmer with the knowledge to restore his world, sets out on a heroic journey to heal the land. As he traverses the pixelated terrain, he must solve puzzles and restore the corrupted tiles back to their original vector form. But his mission doesn’t end there—he must also track down and catch the monster responsible for the chaos, ensuring the rift is sealed and the pixel art invasion never happens again.
Hello, fellow gamers and developers! This is my second college project, and the theme was to create a "Catch the Monster" game in a 2D isometric view. For this challenge, I decided to design a puzzle game with a unique twist. Working on this project introduced me to an entirely new level of game development and broadened my skills significantly.
Project Takeaways:
- Isometric Tilemap: Learned the fundamentals of creating isometric tilemaps and Colliders.
- Isometric axis movement: Learned how to implement movement along isometric axes effectively.
- Blend Tree: Explored the use of Blend Trees for smooth character animations and transitions.
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